Yesterday I took a drive of about 15 miles or so in one direction, then came back home a different route. All along the way, US flags were waving in the cool air with the sun shining brightly. Flags on lamp posts, in garden pots, from poles, on doorways, and more.
There is a cemetery that I've wanted to stop in since moving here. I know, it may sound strange, but this cemetery is set on rolling hills with large trees and many unique and touching monuments.

Very slowly I drove on a narrow one way road up and down the hills, through various parts of the cemetery. I was taken aback by all of the crypts and mausoleums. The birds were flying from tree to tree, singing their hearts out and there were flowering shrubs and ferns planted around the headstones. All in all it was a strange and beautiful scene.
The sun was so bright that after taking a picture and looking at the screen, I could not tell whether I got the picture or not. Maybe I will go back another time on a cloudy day, maybe not, it's unnerving being there.
Here are some of the pictures I was able to get. A few I was able to get out of the car and walk to get closer, the others were taken from the driver's seat. Click on the images to see them larger.
This monument with the woman holding onto the cross caught my attention as I was on my way out of the cemetery.
I saw about a half dozen crypts built into the hillside.

This crypt had a grand staircase. Wondering the meaning behind their choice for this design.
The mausoleums scattered around the space looked like little "follies" or extravagant playhouses. These were probably built in the Victorian era.

I drove two times around to get the photo of this mausoleum --->
Set back from the road, the shadows from the trees reminded me of a little church from one of Jane Austen's books or something from Masterpiece Theatre. It made me want to get out of the car and go inside, but then I knew it wasn't something I would really want to do.

From reading a few of the headstones, I could see this was a resting place for people of all faiths. If we could all get along and abide together in life, Memorial Days could be ancient history. Otherwise our next door neighbor in death may just be a believer in a faith we don't accept or tolerate and what can you do about that? Despite all our differences whether we are fighting for the oppressed, over boundaries or religion...life is precious in all stages.
God Bless and have a safe and loving holiday. ♥
I love these photos. Such a variety of burial places and oh so interesting.
Hope you had a great week end. We are having a cold day today. Where is late spring and shouldn't it be warmer?
Thank you for your comments.
Good Morning Gloria. Thank you for sharing your tour and thoughts through this beautiful cemetery. Where I live we have some old cemeteries from the Gold Rush and one has an area for the Civil War Veterans too.
I really loved your thoughts as you were visiting. I think the old cemeteries are a little like mysteries too. Big hugs, Rasz
We went to the cemetery every Memorial weekend when I was a child. My cousins and I kind of grew up playing there and it was weird, although we were taught respect, no playing on tombstones and quiet, and so on. It was an odd way to spend the holiday but now looking back it was our parents way of teaching us to respecting our ancestors but we were kids and at the time it wasn't exactly what we wanted to do on a Sunday afternoon.
I enjoyed your photos and your thoughts.
Lucy from Lucy's Reality
This was a very interesting tour, Gloria! I've never seen mausoleums built into the hillside like that. I always wonder about those buried and what their life was like.
Wow, the history in this cemetery! It is beautiful! I love all the photos! Thanks for sharing this Gloria! You are so right about different faiths. My mom has always said, we are going up the same mountain, but just taking different paths ;o) Hope you had a nice holiday ;o)
your sentiment behind this is very powerful. And so true. If we can make it work now, we wouldn't need to be fighting and honoring those that were in battle. We have a cemetery not far from here where I used to walk...these photos could have come from there...so similar in so many ways. Your photos are fascinating. It gives me much pause as to how we treat and honor and spend on the dead.
I love visiting cemeteries...some of the statuary is so beautiful. Gloria, thank you so much for the kind message on my blog regarding my health issues. I appreciate it so much! I'll remember what you said about kicking the fear out of the way when it creeps in! Big hugs, Cindy
Beautiful. Such a poignant serenity, a place for much reflection. The green and sunshine seem such symbols of hope.
Beautiful cemetery, although I'm with you on the unnerving part..
Happy WW!
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