So, what should I do with these? Wear them or sell them? Keep them together or as separate items? My Storenvy has been in maintenance mode, I haven't had the passion for it as when the storefront was initially opened and during the first year or so. Storenvy was easy to setup and unless you want to customize your storefront and use your own domain, it's free to have a store. No fees! (There are Paypal fees, but at the moment, no Storenvy fees.)
Do you go through cycles with your store- working at it, improving it, etc. and then do you need a break? When your market and niche have been laser focused and you have a plan, what makes you keep to the plan? There are so many distractions and commitments in our daily routines, plus being the CEO of your business and being creative at the same time. Do you have a way to work all of them into a good blend? Other than time management, do you meditate, listen to music, take a walk, or something else to refresh the creative muse?
My desk and shelves are loaded with supplies and after not being able to do anything because of the eye problems, there was a groove I was pulled out of and want to get back to. It was comfortable and messy, with too many ideas and not enough time to complete more than a handful of them. On the blog, I seriously need to have clearer, crisper images, and will be working on that with the new camera- soon.
So, what about it? Are you in a groove with your creative work and business, running smoothly along and taking a break to feel refreshed? What's your inspiration?
I think they are lovely! and if your style - them keep them! if not, then by all means sell them. that is pretty much my process :) My inspiration seems to come from everyone else out there in the blogosphere! I love to see what everyone else is doing
Beautiful set, Gloria, and I agree that if it is your style, you should keep it!
I try to keep up with my Etsy store, and most of my inspiration comes from nature. I do have a presence on Weebly, but I have to admit, I don't keep up with it too much and have not had any traffic that I have not sent there myself. It is probably because it is very hard to promote it and the fact that I take more things out of that shop (that have sold elsewhere) than put things in. A vicious circle!
Sometimes, I feel so busy, I don't have time to try to be inspired. That's when I know I need a break!
My friend, if you love this pretty set you made, keep it, if not, sell it! Having an online store, is like having a real store! You have to keep working on it and sometimes, you need a break too, to keep refreshed! I find my inspirations from all around me! It could be nature, it could be a picture, you never know! I love to paint, so I try to do it as much as possible ;o) Big Hugs ;o)
Gloria, you should have links for your store on your blog!
Thank you, Cynthia! I do a lot of blog surfing, too, and look at all the pretty pictures and learn a bit of tech stuff. ♥ Your connection with historical interests really enriches your beautiful work.
Thanks, Deb! I see nature inspires so much of your work- flowers especially. Your clay is also fab!
Have you thought of your own website or page with a forward to your Etsy?
Thanks very much, Stacy! Your painting schedule keeps you busy and the ideas seem limitless. I think a happy heart is also a good source of inspiration for you. I took my store link down while the shop is on hiatus, but I'll put the link back when it's active. Thanks for reminding me. ♥
selling is the hardest part for me. the time to photograph, edit, write, post, or to set up shows...making is a challenge, but one that i embrace. marketing is a time suck and i tend to put it off. wrong, i know. inspiration comes from music, other people, repetitive patterns, beauty in general. And speaking of beauty~that is a very beautiful set! More More!
Balancing everything feels like an hourly challenge for me. I work full time and have a busy online business that is like a second full time job. I would not be able to do it all if I did not have the type A personality I inherited! Change is constant for me since I am always working towards greater efficiency. Sleep is my number 1 thing to keep going and keeping my brain flowing!!!
Oooh, those are very pretty. I agree with everyone else, if it's your style, wear it with pride. If not, sell it. Win-win. :)
I don't know if I am ever in a grove with my business, creative time, and time off, I work a lot and lately all my creating is for my next show. I love the set you created, it is very pretty!
Everyday Inspired
I hear ya, Chris. All that revising and refining for the shop is a chore. I suppose once it's finally listed it's on to the next one. I look at mine and keep refining, need to know when to stop. Thanks so much!
Val, yes, sleep is a biggie. I have started to nap from exhaustion. Doing-it-all with great energy and enthusiasm is a blessing!
Thanks, Terry. I recently bought some pretty bead supplies and thought, hmmm, make earrings for me! lol
Val, it's always a pleasure to hear of your successes with your line. You deserve the congrats for coming up with the fortitude and span of ideas. Sometimes the nature pictures on your blog are like a mini-break for sore eyes. Thanks, Val!
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