Last month, when I made one of the batches of ornaments and giveaway surprises I made a few items, just because. This is one of them.
Cindy has published books, you can find her on Amazon and is working on some Young Adult fiction. In addition, she has a blog, is an artist, and a generous sharer of knowledge, plus a mom and wife. I think the tag combines several of her interests.

I can't remember how we first met on the blog- hers or mine or someone elses'? Isn't it like that, sometimes you can remember to the minute and then other times the happystances (my made up word-you can use it if you like) of blogging escape that Rolex or for me, Timex moment, where you can stop the clock. IRL I have a better chance of remembering who, what, where, and when, but in the blogmunity (another word you can borrow) the clicking of the keys takes me fast and far.
Blogmunity almost sounds like immunity of post intent instead of a blog community. Maybe a better word, ala Norm Crosby is Bloggerhood? Blogville? Do you always make things with precise intention or see where the thought takes you?
Hi Gloria, I love this ornament. You did a wonderous job. I think that it is one of those art pieces that you can hang anywhereand if I had it I would hang it on my full length mirror. Thank you for sharing.
I Gloria,
Another work of art!
In my house we have so many made up names. Mostly for stores. lol
Just to name a few. lol
Home Depot - Homeless Depot lol
Lowes - Blows
Big Lots - Big Butts
Christmas Tree Shop - Christmas SChitty
Gloria, I love the heart, key, angel ornament ;o) I have my wise owl hanging right infront of me ;o) I am hoping this week to do a post ;o) Sometimes, I do make things with precise intention, but you know, a lot of times when I do that, my mind just takes over and I go some place else ;o) I call Young And The Restless, Young And The Useless! LOL! Take Care ;o)
Oh Gloria, you "Just Because Angel" Ornament is dee-light-ful!
With most projects I begin, I generally have an overall concept of what I want to do ... however, during the course of creating, ideas pop up and invariably change that direction and leads me on a better path ... I call it heavenly intervention....
Happy day Gloria!
You guys make my eyes mist from your kindness and the laughing, too!
Such a pretty heart ornament, Gloria! I keep mine on a drawer knob in my art room where I can enjoy it all the time.
I think most of the time I create with a finished idea in mind.
Lovely ornament Gloria!
Everyday Inspired
Hi Debbie, I can picture it- thank you! Hi Valerie! Thanks!
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