A few weeks ago I had a little setback and let that infiltrate my project mojo, which was a slow but steady pace. Good, right? I mean the slow but steady part.
So, now the messes need to be put in their places then finding what I am looking for will be a cinch:
As long as I stop buying more supplies... Ooh, shiny, pretty, awesome, ahhh unusual, this one's perfect, Sale! Clearance! Coupons... Do you have these moments too?
My photo was edited/manipulated via PicMonkey. In order to hide the real mess I thought to make it look dreamy, not nightmarish, since I usually avert my eyes in shame when I walk by the room where this mess is in plain sight. Normally you wouldn't find a neater, more organized person- right I'll find her this week, for sure. GPS anyone?
Linking here, here, here, here, and here. All "Wordless Wednesday" links with photos galore.
I like the look of your mess with the photo, it does look dreamy, sort of mess I would want! have a happy week sweetie
Bee happy x
Have a delicious day!
I love what you did with this photo, I wish I could do that, your desk looks fine, looks like the desk of a creative person!!!!Lots of good stuff going on!!
Oh, yes, I am very easily distracted by shiny things and those words...clearance, sale, coupon! I have way too much "stuff" and mostly only buy stuff I need to go with the stuff I have to make stuff. Does this sound like an addiction?!
LOL - that actually is a very pretty mess. Good luck getting to the bottom of it. :)
This isn't much of a mess ... at least your photo makes it look mystical ... nice to know a lot of us have this problem ... it can get so overwhelming. I'm so lucky to have a wonderful daughter that helps me keep things organized ... doesn't work perfectly, but it helps.
Happiness to all.
Hi Gloria,
Not at all a bad looking mess. I need to get my stuff put away too. I've been crafting up a storm and somehow forgot it's still out. lol
Gloria you are too cute! LOL! I think we are all like this ;o) Creative people ;o) I have to admit, I have tried not going to Michaels in two months!!! It's been hard! I have bit off my finger nails! LOL!
My husband is like that with his art stuff. He is collecting Styrofoam to melt down and put on sculptures. We have meat Styrofoam washed and piled up all over downstairs. He ran out of red and needs more.
Sometimes we all lose our Mojo!
I am so glad you explained your photo and I love it but the explanation really helps.
Great photos ~ tells the story of us 'creatives' and how messy we can get at times when creating ~ thanks ~ namaste, ^_^
I've had worse messes.
Have a great rest of your week!
I am a long standing member in the Uncontrolled Mess Club! LOL! There are so many times when I become so involved in a project and the area becomes total chaos! When I can no longer find anything, I figure it is time to stop re-group and re-organize! At those moments I quietly wish I had the powers of Samantha in "Bewitched"!
Gloria, We've all been in the same spot. I still have some supplies that I haven't used yet....and it would be better if I could locate them in my mess. Your photo is great.
I have been buying supplies two more times since I took this photo!!
I know, it's not a HUGE mess, but it's more than enough for me. :0
Thanks everyone for your visits and comments, I appreciate everyone of you! ♥
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