

What's Doing Wednesday? Summer Tornadoes and Aceo

We've had some weather that'll take your breath away!  There's nothing like hearing the tornado warning sirens while you're (me) in the shower and trying to decide whether to continue washing or jump out, pull some clothes on and head to the basement...

Between the two tornado warnings and the three hailstorms in one day, oh brother do I need butterflies and flowers! 

Hope everyone has a wonderful summer and a Happy July 4th! 
The USA is 235 years old this holiday, so young and yet so far to go...


Unknown said...

Blimey! Scary of what!! How awful being caught short in the shower! I do hope that you are all okay and that the Tornado passed without causing chaos. Sue x

Kristin Aquariann said...

I'm glad you're safe! Tornado warnings are scary.

Lovely ACEO for July 4th!

Gloria said...

All okay, Sue; I never get used to these warnings, some are scarier than others.